Bronstert, Axel; Creutzfeldt, Benjamin; Graeff, Thomas; Hajnsek, Irena; Jagdhuber, Thomas; Kneis, David; Heistermann, Maik; Lück, Erika; Reusser, Dominik; Zehe, Erwin (2011): Potentials and constraints of different types of soil moisture observations for flood simulations in headwater catchments, Natural Hazards, 60, 879-914, DOI: 10.1007/s11069-011-9874-9.
Bürger, Gerd; Reusser, Dominik; Kneis, David (2009): Early flood warnings from empirical (expanded) down-scaling of the full ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System, Water Resources Research, 45, W10443, DOI: 10.1029/2009WR007779
Bürger, Gerd (2009): Dynamically vs. empirically downscaled medium-range precipitation forecasts, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9, 13, 1649-1658.
Costa, Alexandre; Bronstert, Axel; Kneis, David (2011): Probabilistic flood forecasting for a mountainous headwater catchment using a nonparametric stochastic dynamic approach, Hydrological Sciences Journal, accepted.
Graeff, Thomas; Zehe, Erwin; Schlaeger, Stefan; Morgner, Markus; Bauer, Andreas; Becker, Rolf; Creutzfeldt, Benjamin; Bronstert, Axel (2010): A quality assessment of Spatial TDR soil moisture measurements in homogenous and heterogeneous media with laboratory experiments, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1, 14(6), 1007-1020, DOI: 10.5194/hess-14-1007-2010.
Graeff, T., Zehe, E., Blume, T., Francke, T., Schröder, B. (2012): Predicting event response in a nested catchment with generalized linear models and a distributed watershed model. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8463.
Hajnsek, Irena; Jagdhuber, Thomas; Schön, Helmut; Papathanassiou, Konstantinos P. (2009): Estimating Soil Moisture under Vegetation Cover by means of PolSAR, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47, 2, 442-454
Heistermann, Maik; Kneis, David (2011): Benchmarking quantitative precipitation estimation by conceptual 2 rainfall-runoff modeling, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, W06514 , 47, 1-23.
Kneis, David; Heistermann, Maik (2009): Bewertung der Güte einer Radar-basierten Niederschlagsschätzung am Beispiel eines kleinen Einzugsgebiets, Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 53, 3, 160-171.
Kneis, David; Bürger, Gerd; Bronstert, Axel (2011): Evaluation of medium-range runoff forecasts for a 50 km² watershed.JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 414-415, 341-353, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.11.005.
Reusser, Dominik; Blume, Theresa; Schaefli, Bettina; Zehe, Erwin (2009): Analysing the temporal dynamics of model performance for hydrological models, Hydrology and Earth Systen Science, 7, 13, 999-1018.
Reusser, Dominik; Zehe, Erwin (2010): Low-cost monitoring of snow height and thermal properties with inexpensive temperature sensors, Hydrological Processes, 12, 25, 1841-1852, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7937.
Reusser, Dominik; Zehe, Erwin (2011): Inferring model structural deficits by analyzing temporal dynamics of model performance and parameter sensitivity, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, W07550, 47, 1-15, DOI: 10.1029/2010WR009946.
Reusser, Dominik; Buytaert, W.; Zehe, Erwin (2011): Temporal dynamics of model parameter sensitivity for computationally expensive models with the Fourier amplitude sensitivity test, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,, W07551, 47, 1-14, DOI: 10.1029/2010WR009947.
Zehe, Erwin; Graeff, Thomas; Morgner, Markus; Bauer, Andreas; Bronstert, Axel (2010): Plot and field scale soil moisture dynamics and subsurface wetness control on runoff generation in a headwater in the Ore Mountains, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1, 14(6), 873-889, DOI: 10.5194/hess-14-873-2010.